Jun 28Liked by Eric Meyerson

Also I read the job posting for that job and it is hilarious!! The hyperbole is just hysterical, as a former higher ed person, this was just *chefs kiss* “We are building an online community focusing on the most underserved customer base in US education - gifted and talented kids”. They are clearly THE MOST UNDERSERVED!! Hahahaha…

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That's a little treat way deep in the details, and I'm glad you spotted it.

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Jun 28Liked by Eric Meyerson

Welcome to the ‘club sports parents’ cult. :) We too did not expect this on our bingo card of life, and now experience the soccer version of this. We were also not prepared (mentally, physically or equipment wise ) for it either. I have learned getting really good stadium seats so your ass and back don’t hurt from siting on metal bleacher seats for HOURS is a good idea…

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My solution is just to stand the whole time, until the backs of my legs are sunburned.

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Kind of weird the Comedy History kid didn't mention RDJ's wildly brief tenure on SNL (even as a Minnesotan I can probably give him a pass on not knowing who Bob and Doug McKenzie were).

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It's funny how RDJ being in the SNL cast is kind of an open secret. My only hypothesis is that it was a such an awful season with so few rewatchable moments, that almost nobody has revisited it.

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Right, but, like, he is an honest to god Big Deal Movie Star, and dude didn't even MENTION him. It was WEIRD.

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yes but how about a LOT of wine every night

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